But what if there are physical reasons for my pain?
The number one question I hear about mind body pain relief, in some form is “Can this help if...
Pelvic Pain and Your Brain
Did you know that X-rays of people who are pain free, can show many of the same abnormalities that...
The Connection Between Emotions and Pelvic Pain
What I see in my experience helping clients relieve vulvodynia and other chronic pelvic...
4 Critical Keys to Lasting Relief from Chronic Pelvic and Sexual Pain
Whether you’ve been recently diagnosed or struggling with vulvar pain, painful sex, or other...
You Can Relieve Pelvic Pain
I’m writing to remind you, in case you need to hear it….. that you can do this! You can relieve...
How My Body Helped Me Relieve Pelvic Pain
Our natural tendency when something is wrong, especially something with our body, (like pelvic...
5 Steps to Overcoming Anxiety Around Intercourse
“How will I ever be able to have intercourse?” If you’ve struggled with pain during sex or other...
Mind Body Relief for Chronic Pelvic Pain: What to Do When Your Pain Flares Up
A Mind Body approach to relieving Chronic Pelvic Pain is the most effective and lasting way I know...
How to Think More Positively When You’re In Pain
You may know that negative thinking is hard on your body and contributes to pain and illness. You...
Vulvodynia and Pelvic Pain: Is It Tension Myositis Syndrome, Neuroplastic Pain, or Mind Body Syndrome?
Are you suffering with chronic pelvic pain including pain or burning during sex, vulvodynia,...
Holistic Treatment for Pain During Sex
If you’re experiencing pain during sex, either on its own or along with another pelvic pain...
How to Start a Pleasure Practice
Did you know that when you experience pleasure, your brain and body are bathed in health-enhancing...
Mastering your emotions to heal
If you've explored mind body pain relief, you know that feeling emotions is an important part of...
Feeling stuck? Try this…
Do you ever feel stuck or have resistance to doing your mind body practice? Do you find yourself...
Why Female Pleasure Matters in Healing Female Pain
When I began coaching women to help them relieve vulvodynia, anxiety, and other pelvic pain it was...
Self Healing: What I Know for Sure after 12 years of helping women relieve pelvic pain
Many years ago listening to a podcast with Dr. Bernie S. Siegel, I heard him share that the wisdom...
What causes pain during sex and chronic pelvic pain? 5,000 years of patriarchy
When you’ve seen the doctors, tried every remedy they suggest, and you still can’t seem to get...
Four Practices for a Happy Healthy Sex Life (Even if You’re Healing from Pelvic Pain)
One of the most difficult parts of vulvodynia or any type of pelvic pain can be frustration around...
The Power of Vision: Beyond Visualization for Health and Pain Relief Techniques
You may have heard of techniques that use visualization for health and pain management, but the...
3 Reasons for Pain After Sex Women Might Not Have Considered
When it comes to feeling discomfort or pain after sex, women find it to be a common experience,...
A Mindbody Approach to Relieving Vulvodynia and Chronic Pelvic Pain
If you’ve read my story, you know that before I began teaching and coaching women to help them...
What causes painful sex? The role of shame
Back in 2009 I began experiencing pain and burning during intercourse that eventually turned into...
The Surprising Anti-Treatment for Pelvic Pain and More: 3 P’s of Pain Relief
Are you making time for the 3 Ps of pain relief? These 3 P’s are the keys to not only lasting...
Follow Your Emotional Flow
One of the things I love about being a coach is that I often have the opportunity to coach other...
When Chronic Pain Becomes Too Much Stop Trying So Hard
When chronic pain becomes too much to handle, many women tend to try even harder to relieve it....
Physical Therapy for Pelvic Health and Pain Relief
During this live webinar Stephanie Prendergast, MPT and I discuss the role of pelvic floor...
Sexual Pain and the Healing Power of Pleasure
When you’re in pain, pleasure can be one of the first things to go in your life. And when your...
Breathwork and Building Pleasure Pathways In Your Brain
From what I’ve seen over the past 10 years of helping women relieve vulvodynia, painful sex, and...
5 Practical Tips to Get Your Focus Off Your Symptoms of Pain
The first step to relieving a mind body pain syndrome, whether it’s vulvodynia, pelvic pain, or...
How to Build Healthy Habits that Help With Chronic Pain
Lifestyle changes that lead to optimum health and wellness and help with chronic pain, require...
Empowered Health
Empowered health is a path to radiant health and wellness that is based on the premise that you...
How to Stop Worrying
If you feel overwhelmed with concerns and worry about the future, you may wonder how to stop...
COVID-19 Anxiety and Pain
Anxiety and pain often go hand in hand. Most women with pelvic pain experience anxiety. In fact...
How to Practice Self-Love and Stop Blaming Yourself for Pain
Knowing how to practice self-love is an important skill in relieving pain. A few days ago I...
Focus on what you want to create
One of the most powerful tools for creating and maintaining health is to focus on health. And yet,...
How to Relieve Anxiety and Stress: Everything is going to be ok
If you are like many of my clients right now, you may be experiencing some increased anxiety or...
Releasing Fear: Moving from Fear to Love
Sometimes things feel scary, making releasing fear difficult. Whether it’s a diagnosis or a...
My Favorite Way to Bring in the New Year!
As we round the corner into the next decade (Can you believe it’s 2020?) I want to share one of my...
Less holiday stress and more holiday fun…even with pain.
If you are a recovering perfectionist, like me, the holidays can trigger old patterns of putting...
Chronic Pelvic Pain Relief by Retraining Your Brain
The first time I did a mind body practice without trying to fix or change my chronic pelvic pain,...
Giving Thanks
I just wanted to pop into your inbox today to tell you that one of the things I’m most grateful...
Put on your bunny slippers
This week I heard a talk by Susan Peirce Thompson, the founder of Bright Line Eating. In it, she...
Celebrate Your Inner Witch (and cast some female power spells of your own….)
One of the fun things about Halloween is the opportunity to play dress up and give yourself...
Pain During Sex: A Mind Body Approach to Relief
If you experience burning or pain during sex, also known as dyspareunia, it is so important to...
Do this to stop worrying about your symptoms
The next time you find yourself worrying about your symptoms, consider this...Your body is...
Are Vaginal Yeast Infections a Mind Body Syndrome?
I receive regular emails from women wondering if their vaginal yeast infections can have mind body...
What Traditional Chinese Medicine Can Teach You About Pelvic Pain
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the root cause of chronic pelvic pain, as well as...
Waking up with anxiety? Here’s what to do.
In the past week I have had several clients talk with me about waking up with anxiety, so I wanted...
Are you really listening? What you need to heal vulvodynia or pelvic pain.
Has a doctor told you that you’re going to have to live with vulvodynia or other pelvic pain? Or...
How to Set Healthy Boundaries
Have you ever wanted to set a healthy boundary...but not known how to do it, or worried that you...
How to Relieve Anxiety
In order to relieve anxiety, it’s important to understand what anxiety is and where it comes from....
The Surprising Benefits of Breast Massage
Today I wanted to share with you one of my absolute favorite practices for optimal health,...
3 Sexual Pleasure Practices For Women with Vulvodynia and Pelvic Pain
One of the most difficult aspects of vulvodynia or any other type of pelvic or sexual pain can be...
These Simple Strategies Will Make You Feel Safe, Even When You’re Scared
Having a diagnosis of Vulvodynia, Dyspareunia (painful sex), Interstitial Cystitis, or any other...
This is What Dangerous Beauty Taught Me About Women’s Health
The first time I understood the enormous impact of 1000s of years of patriarchy on a woman’s...
#metoo and pelvic pain
Today I asked the women in my Healing Female Pain community what topics they wanted to cover in...
Redefining Orgasm for More Pleasure and to Relieve Pelvic Pain
If you’ve been struggling with painful sex, lack of desire, not enjoying sex, chronic infections,...
How to Feel Emotions to Relieve Pelvic Pain
One of the most common questions I hear from women wanting to relieve pelvic pain, is…. “But how exactly do I feel emotions?”
But what if there are physical reasons for my pain?
The number one question I hear about mind body pain relief, in some form is “Can this help if...
What you should know about anger
Of all the emotions, anger is one my clients struggle with A LOT. Not surprising since from the...
7 Benefits of Mind Body Pelvic Pain Relief (in addition to lasting relief!) – Part 2
Today I have some incredible benefits to share with you of using a mind body approach to relieve...
7 Benefits of Mind Body Pelvic Pain Relief (in addition to lasting relief!) – Part 1
I’ve written before about how effective a mind body approach is for chronic pelvic pain relief,...
Dr. Sarno, TMS and Pelvic Pain Relief…”All the Rage”
If you are curious about a mind body approach to relieving pelvic pain, but unsure if it may be...
Is there a connection between stress and pelvic pain?
Did you know that traditional systems of medicine, from Chinese Medicine (more than 2500 years...
Valentine’s Day and Pelvic Pain
Valentine’s day may not be a happy day for you if you're suffering with vulvodynia or pelvic pain...
How To Overcome Obsessive Negative Thinking (Aka Leading Your Lizard!)
Have you ever had any of these thoughts? “What if this pain never goes away?” “What if I can never...
Pelvic Pain and Your Brain
Did you know that X-rays of people who are pain free, can show many of the same abnormalities that...
The Connection Between Emotions and Pelvic Pain
What I see in my experience helping clients relieve vulvodynia and other chronic pelvic...
Do You Avoid Emotions?
Do You Avoid Emotions? Have you ever promised yourself that you were going to cut out sugar,...
One Minute Energy Shifters
Here's a One Minute Energy Shifters. Stress, overwhelm, fear and catastrophic thinking are a part...
Boundaries: What they are, and why you need them to relieve pelvic pain.
Boundaries: What they are, and why you need them to relieve pelvic pain. It started with a...
Making Peace With Pelvic Pain
I remember the moment I made the decision to stop struggling against my body. Lying on my bedroom...
You Are Safe. You Are Loved.
You are safe and you are loved. Always. I know it doesn’t feel like it sometimes. Especially when...
4 Critical Keys to Lasting Relief from Chronic Pelvic and Sexual Pain
Whether you’ve been recently diagnosed or struggling with vulvar pain, painful sex, or other...
You are the Expert on You
Have you ever struggled making decisions about whether or not to use a particular treatment to...
What is Your Anxiety Saying to You?
Anxiety is something many of us experience, especially when we’re in pain or faced with things in...
The Disowning of the Vagina
If you follow me on Facebook, you may have seen an amazing article I shared recently about...
Moving Through Grief with an Open Heart
My sweet, beautiful 18-year-old kitty passed over the rainbow bridge this weekend, and needless to...
What am I doing wrong? Troubleshooting Mind Body Pelvic Pain Relief
Have you ever found yourself frantically using your mind body tools to make your symptoms go away?...
Anger: Your Powerful Ally for Relieving Pelvic Pain
Of all the emotions I help my clients reclaim, anger is the one they have the hardest time...
Your Experience with Pelvic Pain
I’m gathering information about women’s experiences with pelvic pain and I would love to hear your...
The #1 Thing Missing from Your Treatment Plan
If you’re like most of the women I’ve worked with, you may be missing one very important...
You Can Relieve Pelvic Pain
I’m writing to remind you, in case you need to hear it….. that you can do this! You can relieve...
Your Vulva is Beautiful
Your vulva is beautiful. She is unique and perfect exactly the way she is! Unfortunately, if...
Top 3 Mindset Shifts to Help Relieve Pelvic Pain
Have you ever struggled with worrying and obsessing about your pelvic pain symptoms, or felt like...
Pelvic Pain: Why a “Diagnosis” isn’t the Key to Recovery
Today I am excited to share a guest post with you from Stephanie Prendergast, MPT, co-founder of...
Kelly’s Pelvic Pain Success Story
I am so excited to introduce you to my amazing former client. Kelly relieved pelvic pain using...
It’s Not Your Fault
Pelvic Pain is not your fault. You’re not broken, defective, or in any other way to blame. You’ve...
Enjoying Sex and Creating Intimacy with Pelvic Pain
Pelvic pain interferes with sex and intimacy in a way that no other chronic pain does. I know....
Train Your Brain to Relieve Pelvic Pain
Have you ever struggled to turn off your negative thinking or wished you had a way to train your...
How My Body Helped Me Relieve Pelvic Pain
Our natural tendency when something is wrong, especially something with our body, (like pelvic...
Rock Climbing and Pelvic Pain Relief
What do rock climbing and relieving pelvic pain have in common? (Don’t worry; I’m not suggesting...
5 Steps to Overcoming Anxiety Around Intercourse
“How will I ever be able to have intercourse?” If you’ve struggled with pain during sex or other...
Rebecca’s Pelvic Pain Success Story
I am so excited to introduce you to Rebecca, a participant in my Healing Female Pain program who...
Vulvodynia and Chronic Pelvic Pain – I Want My Life Back!
If you’re suffering with vulvodynia or another chronic pelvic pain syndrome you are probably all...
Mind Body Relief for Chronic Pelvic Pain: What to Do When Your Pain Flares Up
A Mind Body approach to relieving Chronic Pelvic Pain is the most effective and lasting way I know...
When Lying On the Couch Is OK
Hanging out on the couch and doing nothing is generally frowned upon in our culture rather than a tool to help with listening to your body. On the whole, we tend to value working hard and getting things done.
Respect Your Bodies NO, Finding Lasting Relief from Vulvodynia and Chronic Pelvic Pain
Do you respect your own NO? And forget respecting, how many of us are actually even AWARE of our...
Getting Started Relieving Vulvodynia and Chronic Pelvic Pain
Have you read about Mind Body healing and thought it might help you relieve Vulvodynia,...
Vulvodynia and Chronic Pelvic Pain: What is Your Body Saying to You?
YOU are on this planet to THRIVE. You are beautiful and worthy and here to experience outrageous...
Emotions: The Missing Link to Healing Vulvodynia and Pelvic Pain
If you are struggling with Vulvodynia, Interstitial Cystitis, or another Pelvic Pain Syndrome, if you’ve seen a doctor (or several) and haven’t been able to find lasting relief, there is a good chance that the underlying cause of your pain has to do with the ways you’ve learned to process emotion.
Connection Not Perfection: A Simple Strategy for Overcoming Perfectionism and Relieving Pain
Ah perfection. I’ve spent most of my life, probably since I was about 2, consciously or...
What is Vulvodynia? A Mind Body Perspective
Vulvo what? Vulvodynia is chronic vulvar pain that has no known medical cause. It affects women of...
How to Think More Positively When You’re In Pain
You may know that negative thinking is hard on your body and contributes to pain and illness. You...
The Number One Thing You Must Do Every Day to Get Healthy and Relieve Pain
You might not believe me. Are you ready? OK. But I’m warning you. It’s not easy to take...
Really? My body is talking to me? Can you please tell me what the heck it’s saying!
If you are suffering with chronic pain or fatigue and haven’t been able to find lasting relief,...
Are You Using Your Whole Voice?
My daughter’s cello’s name is Musica. A couple weeks ago, her teacher asked her to play a piece...
Make Peace With Where You Are: Desire + Detachment = Magic
Make peace with where you are. It’s the first rule of successful manifesting. Before you try to...
Morning Anxiety: Communication From Your Soul
Morning anxiety is something many of us have experienced and it’s not uncommon at this time of...
What Nike knows about rest and productivity that can change your life.
I have a confession to make. For the past 2 weeks I’ve been secretly wishing I would get sick so I...
Bring In the Backhoe – When you feel like you have too much To Do to Allow
We have learned that getting things done requires our thinking, doing and planning. But when our...
Ditch the Diet – Love Yourself into a Happy Healthy Body
Most women believe they are caring for themselves when they diet and workout to lose weight. But...
Let’s NOT be Serious.
What does learning how to sing have to do with relieving pelvic pain, creating radiant health, or...
The Benefits of Essential Self Living
What, you may wonder, do baby chicks have to do with living from your essential self? Well, I'll...
Be The Horses
Yesterday in my life coach training I had the amazing opportunity to be coached by Martha Beck....