Sex and Pleasure

Become your most radiant sexual self. 

Enjoying sex and intimacy with a partner begins with reclaiming your sexuality and pleasure for you.

Sex and Pleasure

Become your most radiant sexual self. 

Enjoying sex and intimacy with a partner begins with reclaiming your sexuality and pleasure for you.

If you’re feeling numb or disconnected around your sexuality or your pelvis, your health and vitality will suffer along with your intimate relationship. You deserve to thrive in your sexuality. I want you to know you can reclaim your sensual self or meet her for the first time—no matter how impossible it may seem…and it will be a powerful healing experience. 

If you’re a woman struggling with pelvic pain, painful sex, healing from sexual trauma, anxiety around intimacy, an inability to reach orgasm, or you’ve simply forgotten what it feels like to be in touch with your sensuality and in love with your body, and you are ready for change…

…you are in the right place and we can work together to help you feel confident tapping into your most radiant sexual self and stepping into a more radiant joy-filled life.

For over a decade, I’ve been helping women not only relieve pelvic and sexual pain, but also overcome anxiety around intercourse, feel more pleasure in their body, rediscover orgasm, and enjoy having sex again (or for the first time).

I’ve guided them from a place of chronic pain, stress, shame, and anxiety into a place where they are able to experience delight, pleasure, playfulness, freedom, and curiosity around their sexuality (on their own and with a partner).

Their healing is part of my story and mine is part of theirs…

As women, so many of us have had negative experiences around our sexuality that disconnect us from our body, pleasure, intimacy and orgasm—whether that’s pain, sexual trauma or internalized messages of shame from our family, school, religion, or medical providers.

All of this leads to dissociation from our own body, along with protective patterns of tension and guarding, chronic health issues, and struggles with our sexuality, relationship issues, lack of confidence, and lack of joy and enthusiasm for life.

My pain was what taught me how to fully reclaim myself—all of myself, including my sexuality— and the full potential that ALL women have for experiencing and sharing pleasure in our lives and relationships.

Your sexuality —your vulva and vagina —are a source of life force energy, creativity, and intuition.

They are a beautiful and amazing part of you and a positive connection with them is integral to your health, to feeling whole and safe inside your own skin,  to feeling passionate and alive, and living the outrageously joyful life you are meant to live!

As a result of embracing my sexuality and pleasure, I now feel more alive and have more energy. I’m happier and more confident, and I no longer struggle with chronic infections, anxiety, depression, pain, or fatigue.

Opening to pleasure, and healing all the things in me that needed healing in order to do that, has turned out to be the foundation of vibrant radiant health!

What I see every day in my work is that pleasure and sexual reclamation are a missing link to not only pain relief and healing, but also optimal health and wellness for so many women.

Which is why I am on a mission to help as many women as possible reclaim and awaken this amazing part of themselves.

My journey wasn’t easy, but it was worth it.

I began by giving attention to the things in me that still needed healing, including the effects of 16 years of catholic school, a legacy of sexual abuse inherited from the women in my family, and my own childhood sexual trauma.

Like most women, I grew up in a family and culture that both subtly and openly shames and blames women around their bodies and sexuality.

For me, the unhealed effects of early trauma and conditioning were not only at the root of many of my chronic pain and health issues, but also set me up for a lifetime of struggle, shame, and frustration around my sexuality.

Even though I longed to experience freedom around my sexuality and deep sexual connection with a partner…I kept bumping up against an inability to speak up and ask for (or know) what I wanted, self-judgment, confusion, and discomfort—long before the pain began.

I relieved my pain long ago by listening to my body (you can read more about that journey here), but with a commitment to deepening my connection with my sexuality and pleasure, I continue to feel more radiantly healthy, empowered, and alive in my body all the time.

I realize now that a woman’s  capacity for pleasure, love, joy, vibrant health, and orgasms is unlimited and will continue to unfold and evolve, along with a deep sense of feeling safe and at home inside her own skin as she reclaims her most radiant sensual self.

If you are struggling with shame, fear, or frustration around your sexuality and want to…

  • Tap into your full potential for sensual pleasure and radiant health…
  • Experience confidence, playfulness, ease, and joy around sex and your body (on your own or with a partner)
  • Overcome anxiety around sex and intimacy
  • Release shame and negative conditioning and re-write your script on your sexuality and pleasure..
  • Love having sex (alone or with a partner)
  • Discover your most radiant sexual self and start thriving in your sexuality
  • Feel fully alive, connected, and at home inside your own skin…

…then you’re in the right place!

Your potential for pleasure and radiance is unlimited!

Most women think that spending time on pleasure is a frivolous extra when in reality it is the fastest path to not only relieving pain and anxiety but also a critical component of optimal health, energy, and wellbeing.

You deserve to love and accept ALL of yourself – and experience your body as the source of pleasure, love, joy, and beauty that it is.

I can help.

“Thank you, Lorraine, for providing an open and safe space, as well as, concrete tools to learn about and explore my sexuality.

I truly appreciate the support you gave to me and the women in our group. It was comforting to learn I’m not alone in how I relate to sexuality.”


“Lorraine is a powerful and supportive coach for women who are wanting a renewed relationship with their sexual selves.”

“With her wisdom, presence, and loving guidance, she skillfully holds space for helping participants in the class to navigate what can be difficult, painful, and scary territory. She was generous in sharing a wealth of transformational tools and practices to encourage women of any age to more fully connect with their bodies, their sexual energy, and the aliveness of embracing pleasure.”

J. K.  Ithaca, NY
J. K.

“I now Have a better connection with my body.”

“I started the process to open a channel of communication with it and it changed also the perception I have about it. I have noticed a lot of new things just to be present. I have more confidence, presence, and patience and I discovered the beauty to investigate and know myself. And the most wonderful part is also that the connection and exploration of my sexuality brought me to want to deepen other aspects of myself and my life.”

Amalia  The Netherlands

“I recommend this course to every woman that wants to deepen the relationship with their own body and sexuality and get in touch with themselves. My relationship with my body and sexuality changed substantially.”


“The relationship with my body and sexuality changed substantially…”

“I have more confidence, presence, and patience and I discovered the beauty to investigate and know myself. And the most wonderful part is also that the connection and exploration of my sexuality brought me to want to deepen other aspects of myself and my life.”


“All the tools were simple but effective, I have liked the concept that you don’t have to achieve anything, you only need to learn how to allow your body to feel what is already there, inside you; I have liked the attitude of ease and fun, of taking the pressure off and to be gentle to yourself.”


Because of the program, I can feel pleasure in my body so much more easily than before.”

I would definitely recommend the Reclaim Your Sexual Self program. It was very healing and empowering for me to discuss my sexuality and body with Lorraine and all the wonderful and strong women that also participated. Because of the program, I can feel pleasure in my body so much more easily than before. And the fun part is that there is so much more to explore! During the program, you will get plenty of tools to practice and discover your sexual self.


“I learned/experienced that I can feel pleasure in different parts of my body…

and that pleasure can be so much more than just clitoris and nipples. It was very helpful to learn the arousal anatomy and the steps before going into self-pleasuring or intercourse and knowing when you are ready for the next step.

A big benefit is that there is so much more to explore than penetration and the regular way of masturbation. This is giving me relief. Sex with myself and a partner became a bit monotonous to me and it felt there were not many other options. Now I have many nice alternatives to practice with a future partner and with myself. I feel more empowered and strong.”


“I feel like I have developed a completely new relationship with myself, my body, and my sensuality.

Working with Lorraine was like walking into a calm oasis to deal with something that I had great anxiety about. Her wisdom comes from the fact she is teaching through what she has experienced in her own body and also what she has learned from her teachers. She is very well prepared, the course materials are excellent and her kindness and warmth help in working with emotions and resistance.”

Deepa Westbourne, UK

“I honestly thought I was too far gone/too broken to benefit from a sexuality course and I could not have been more wrong! It was life changing!”


“The Reclaim Your Sexual Self program was incredibly transformative for my relationship with my body and my sexuality.

I loved that we were encouraged to go at our own pace and Lorraine was there to help every step of the way. I didn’t realize the extent to which my cultural conditioning around sexuality was getting in the way of loving and accepting myself (and healing my pelvic pain) until diving into it during the course.”


During the program, I unveiled a whole pile of negative conditioning around my body and sexuality that I had never looked at before.

“I can feel that conditioning falling away as I connect more to myself and my body.”


“Five stars! I highly recommend Lorraine’s Reclaiming Your Sexual Self program.”


“I would 100% recommend this program to anyone feeling dissociated from themselves as a woman. You will not regret it!”

As someone who has had trouble even saying the names of female body parts out loud, I can attest to the program’s effectiveness in changing my relationship with my body and diminishing my feelings of discomfort and ‘ickiness’ around subjects such as sex and sexuality. As a woman, I have long had a belief that I couldn’t shake – that my body and sexuality was there for men, not for me. By doing the exercises, I have noticed a notable shift in how I see myself and have moved closer to experiencing my sexuality as mine – a gift for me


“I can generate pleasure from within––a new sensation for me that had not previously existed.”


“I feel better at communicating with my partner, and we have already had some interesting talks about female sexuality because of this program.”

“I feel more aware of my responsibility to say what I want and need, and not depend on men to “read my mind”. I am more aware of my own power, and my own power to heal. I feel stronger.”



Healing Female Pain

If you’re suffering with vulvodynia, pelvic floor dysfunction, ic, pain during sex, chronic yeast infections, or other chronic pelvic and sexual pain…you deserve to get back to the life you love.

Healing Female Pain is a highly effective and scientifically proven mind-body pain relief program. I’ll share the tools that worked for me and for hundreds of women who have been right where you are now.

Reclaim Your Sexual Self Program

You deserve to love and accept ALL of yourself - and experience your body as the source of pleasure, love, joy, and beauty that it is. And it's important to your health and well-being that you do!

My favorite blog posts to help you reclaim your sexual self…

Want to go deeper?

I work with a limited number of women each year in a highly supportive, 1:1, personalized private coaching programs to help you reclaim pleasure and reignite your sexuality.

Doing the work to relax into pleasure and thrive in your sexuality will vary based on your unique situation. All private coaching programs will be customized to meet you where you are, require a minimum 3-month commitment, and include the Reclaim Your Sexual Self home study program. If you are ready to reclaim your most radiant sexual self, I would love to support you!

Say goodbye to pelvic pain—get my FREE Masterclass!