7 Benefits of Mind Body Pelvic Pain Relief (in addition to lasting relief!) – Part 1

By Lorraine Faehndrich

I’ve written before about how effective a mind body approach is for chronic pelvic pain relief, including vulvodynia, interstitial cystitis, pelvic floor dysfunction, painful sex, pudendal neuralgia, etc.  

But lasting pelvic pain relief is not the only benefit of a mind body approach to healing, there are many others!

Sometimes I feel like I’ve got the best kept secret around. I see amazing, seemingly miraculous, things happen as women follow this path to healing and relief.  

Today I want to share with you a few of the reasons I LOVE using a mind body approach to help women find pelvic pain relief.

Top 7 benefits of Mind Body Pelvic Pain Relief (in addition to lasting relief!)

#1 Relieve Anxiety

One of the biggest benefits I see when women use a mind body approach to experiencing pelvic pain relief is that they also relieve anxiety. You know that feeling that an elephant is sitting on your chest while your mind is racing 1000 miles a minute with worst case scenarios, and your body feels like it’s revved up on caffeine?  

Some of the first things I hear that indicate to me that a woman I’m working with is on the path to relieving her pain are:

  • “I don’t feel anxious anymore.”
  • “I started to feel anxiety and used the tools to feel my emotions and I’m not anxious anymore.”
  • “I’m no longer afraid of my symptoms.”
  • “I’m not obsessing about my symptoms anymore.”

Anxiety is a huge issue with pelvic pain.  Many women have patterns of worry and anxiety before pelvic pain begins (and studies have shown there is a connection), others understandably develop anxiety as a result of having pelvic pain.  

The autonomic innervation of the pelvis may play a role in this, and it could account for why a mind body approach can be so effective for relieving vulvodynia, painful sex, and other types of pelvic pain.

I have seen mind body tools relieve anxiety in women who have struggled with anxiety their entire lives!

What I see with my clients is that mind body tools are infinitely more effective than medication at helping you feel safe in your body and in your life – which calms your nervous system and relieves the downward spiral that leads to anxiety – all without the nasty side effects that medications can have.

Anxiety is usually the first symptom to go.

#2 Get Your Life Back

Pelvic pain impacts every aspect of your life.  From making plans with friends, to enjoying sex, to exercise, work, travel, and spending quality time with your family.  

Most women with pelvic pain feel like they are missing out, that their lives are passing them by…and in many cases they are!  They can’t do anything they love to do anymore and can’t get their focus off their symptoms.

Learning how to add pleasure, joy, fun, intimacy, passion, work, exercise, and connection back into your life, even before you relieve your pain is an important part of healing…and something a mind body approach will help you do.

Mind body tools help you flip your focus off of your symptoms…and the fear that they may flare up…so you can reclaim yourself, your joy, and the things you love to do in your life – even before you relieve your pain.  

You can find freedom, pleasure and joy in your body and your life before your symptoms change at all.

#3 Trust Yourself Trust Your Body

Being in pain, having tried so many things that aren’t working, and facing a sea of potential treatment that may not work, is enough to bring up doubt and fear IN ANYONE.  

We’ve been taught to turn our health over to doctors and other specialists, so when they don’t have answers it can feel like being adrift on rough seas, with no idea how to get to safe land.

You need a compass.

And you have one.  You just don’t know how to read it yet.

All the answers you need are inside you and your body.

I understand that you may be skeptical.  That you may feel frustrated, confused and angry with your body right now.  

But your body is the most reliable guide you have about what it needs, and a mind body approach can help you understand that valuable guidance.

Does that mean you can’t work with doctors and other specialists who have knowledge and treatments that may help you?  Of course not.

But instead of relying on exclusively on outside information…a mind body approach will help you go inside and discover which options (in that sea of possibilities) are right for you – and which ones aren’t.

You will be empowered to not only make good decisions about your treatment plan, but everything else in your life.  

When women ask me…

  • “Should I be on this diet or eat this food?”
  • “Should I take this supplement or use this cream?”
  • “Should I continue or stop PT?”
  • “Should I go to this specialist, have this test, get this injection, take this medication?

I don’t give them answers, I teach them how to find them.  

I can’t even adequately describe how empowering this is, not only for relieving pelvic pain, but for addressing ALL health issues, as well as everything else in your life.  

So many people think of mind body healing as an either or thing, “Either my symptoms are mind body or they are physical.”

That’s not how it works.  

A mind body approach can (and should) be a helpful part of EVERY treatment plan.

The benefits are precisely as life changing as they sound, which is why I regularly hear things like…..

“This course has changed my life. I never wrote a testimonial before for any online course, but this one was just such an eye opener and life changer.”  

“I feel like my life is being saved…Thank you, thank you! I wish I could give you a big fat bonus.”

Click here to read 4 more amazing benefits of mind body healing and pelvic pain relief! 

Whether you’re suffering from painful sex, vulvodynia, interstitial cystitis, pelvic floor dysfunction, or some other type of chronic pelvic pain, a mind body approach can bring so much relief!

Say Goodbye to Pelvin Pain! Sign up for my FREE EXCLUSIVE On-Demand Masterclass today.


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