How To Overcome Obsessive Negative Thinking (Aka Leading Your Lizard!)

By Lorraine Faehndrich

Have you ever had any of these thoughts?

  • “What if this pain never goes away?”
  • “What if I can never have sex without pain again?”
  •  “What if my partner gets tired of this and leaves….or who will want to be with me?”
  • “I’m broken/damaged.”
  • “No one understands.”
  • “I’m alone”

If so, you are NOT ALONE!

EVERY woman I’ve worked with who struggles with pelvic pain, also struggles with worry, self-criticism or doubt, catastrophizing, and obsessing about their symptoms.

Even if they know that it is making their pain worse!
Even if they’ve tried to think more positively.
Even if they are aware that thoughts about their symptoms are taking over their life.

Nothing triggers stressful, fearful thinking like chronic pain.

Especially pain that is taking over your life, that you don’t feel comfortable telling most people about, and that you haven’t found any effective solutions for – even after trying everything you can think of.

I know, I’ve been there.

And every one of my clients has been there as well.

And because of this I also know that even though it FEELS impossible to stop thinking this way, it’s NOT IMPOSSIBLE. It is VERY DOABLE when you have the right tools and an effective strategy to help you do it.

How to Overcome Obsessive Fearful (Lizard) Thinking so you can relieve your pain and reclaim your life!

After decades of successfully working with my own lizard thoughts and helping 100s of women overcome theirs, I have identified 5 key concepts that women who overcome stressful lizard thinking understand and embrace. Here they are…

1) You are not your thoughts.

You are not your thoughts. YOU are a mind-body-emotion-soul being. You have a source of wisdom inside you that is much deeper, wiser, and more reliable than any lizard thought. Accessing that inner wisdom will not only help you experience yourself as more than your thoughts, but also help you see that scary obsessive lizard thinking is NOT TRUE!

2) Your lizard brain is not bad.

Your “lizard brain” is not being bad, and it’s not trying to hurt you. It’s trying to protect you. It’s just 100% incapable of doing that. The good news is that your mind is an amazing, highly sophisticated tool, and your lizard brain is one tiny part of it.
You can learn how to access more evolved parts of your brain, and use your mind in ways that calm your nervous system and help your body heal.

3) You have a choice (even if it doesn’t feel like it).

While it is completely normal to feel powerless over your thinking, you are not powerless.
You have the power to choose your thoughts. You are the leader, not the other way around. You just need to learn how to start flexing your leadership muscle.

4) Writing is your friend.

The most powerful tools you have at your disposal when it comes to shifting lizard thinking are a paper and pen.

Writing down the scary obsessive lizard thoughts while they are going through your mind gets them out of your head and onto paper where you have much more power to question them, and make decisions about how you want to use your mind.

5) Pushing the thoughts out of your mind WILL NOT WORK.

Pushing negative thoughts out of your mind, trying to “make” yourself stop thinking them, is NOT an effective strategy. Even if you can get your attention off the thought, it does nothing to change the underlying pattern that is activating the stress response in your body.

Effectively changing your thinking begins with turning up the volume on your lizard thoughts, not turning it down.

To learn more about how to overcome stressful obsessive thinking, including step by step processes to help you get started, check out my popular blog posts:

How to Think More Positively When You’re in Pain 

Train Your Brain to Relieve Pelvic Pain

Overcoming obsessive fearful thinking is not only possible, it’s one of the most important things you can do to help relieve chronic pelvic pain and reclaim your life.

And you can do it!

(Believe me. If I can, anyone can.)

You’re not alone. It’s not your fault. You can relieve your pain.

Say Goodbye to Pelvin Pain! Sign up for my FREE EXCLUSIVE On-Demand Masterclass today.


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