by Lorraine Faehndrich | Mar 24, 2020 | Mind Body Healing, Reclaim Your Life
If you are like many of my clients right now, you may be experiencing some increased anxiety or worry about the coronavirus and all the change and uncertainty it’s bringing. On top of that you may be dealing with some real-life challenges, like how to implement social...
by Lorraine Faehndrich | Mar 12, 2020 | Mind Body Healing, Reclaim Your Life
Sometimes things feel scary, making releasing fear difficult. Whether it’s a diagnosis or a symptom, or updates on the coronavirus, circumstances or events can trigger our nervous system and our mind is off to the races making negative predictions, worrying, and...
by Lorraine Faehndrich | Dec 12, 2019 | Mind Body Healing
The first time I did a mind body practice without trying to fix or change my chronic pelvic pain, I felt like I had come home to myself. I know now that the reason I felt that way was because it created a sense of safety. Struggling with my body did not feel safe....
by Lorraine Faehndrich | Nov 28, 2019 | Mind Body Healing
I just wanted to pop into your inbox today to tell you that one of the things I’m most grateful for as I celebrate Thanksgiving today, is you! I appreciate that you are here, reading this, a part of my community. I appreciate your willingness to explore and find ways...
by Lorraine Faehndrich | Nov 14, 2019 | Mind Body Healing
This week I heard a talk by Susan Peirce Thompson, the founder of Bright Line Eating. In it, she shared that research now shows that exercise is not helpful for weight loss.In fact, she tells her students that when they are on a diet to lose weight they should not...
by Lorraine Faehndrich | Oct 10, 2019 | Chronic Pain Management, Mind Body Approach to Healing, Mind Body Healing
The next time you find yourself worrying about your symptoms, consider this…Your body is 99.9999999 percent energy. Not physical matter, energy. Atoms, the building blocks of your cells, are 99.9999999 percent EMPTY SPACE. According to Dr. Joe Dispenza in his...