Happy New Year!

By Lorraine Faehndrich

Happy New Year!!!

​Wishing you a 2020 full of love, joy, healing, relief, magic and dreams come true!!!!

​Can I share a secret with you?

​The secret is that the path to all of these things…is the same.

​There is ONE path that leads to healing, lasting pain relief, more love, more magic, and more joy in every aspect of your life.

​It is the path of connecting with and honoring yourself.

​One of the affirmations I suggest for my clients as they begin the mind body healing journey is…
“I am on a journey of self-discovery that is filled with kindness and love.”

In my experience, that is the path to healing.

So, if you’re planning on setting any intentions this year, may I suggest including an intention to connect more deeply to YOU?

Mind driven resolutions that require lots of effort and willpower almost never work.

Deep lasting healing comes from softening into who you are.

This has been my New Year’s intention for the past 25 years. Ever since I left my career as a CPA, and decided to start following my heart.

My hope for you this year and always is that you follow a path of ever evolving self-discovery, self-appreciation, and joy.

You deserve that, and from what I’ve seen, it is without a doubt the fastest and most effective path to relieving all types of chronic pelvic pain.

Thank you so much for being a part of my community. I appreciate you and your willingness to explore new ways of thinking and feeling and healing your body.

You are awesome!

Say Goodbye to Pelvin Pain! Sign up for my FREE EXCLUSIVE On-Demand Masterclass today.


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