The Reclaim Your Sexual Self program was incredibly transformative

“The Reclaim Your Sexual Self program was incredibly transformative for my relationship with my body and my sexuality.

I loved that we were encouraged to go at our own pace and Lorraine was there to help every step of the way. I didn’t realize the extent to which my cultural conditioning around sexuality was getting in the way of loving and accepting myself (and healing my pelvic pain) until diving into it during the course.”

During the program, I unveiled a whole pile of negative conditioning around my body and sexuality that I had never looked at before.

During the program, I unveiled a whole pile of negative conditioning around my body and sexuality that I had never looked at before.

“I can feel that conditioning falling away as I connect more to myself and my body.”

Five stars! I highly recommend Lorraine’s Reclaiming Your Sexual Self program.

“Five stars! I highly recommend Lorraine’s Reclaiming Your Sexual Self program.”

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