Access the Healing Power of Pleasure With This Simple Pleasure Breathwork Practice

Download your FREE pleasure breathwork practice to move from struggle and shut down to freedom, pleasure, and joy in your sexuality

Pleasure breathwork is simple yet surprisingly effective.

Relax your nervous system

It allows you to relax your nervous system to create a sense of safety in your body.

Rewire your brain

It enables you to rebuild pleasure pathways in your brain and rewire your conditioning around your sexuality and pleasure.

Nourish your body

It provides access into the healing power of pleasure in your body by nourishing your cells with pleasure to cultivate self-love and vitality.

Release Shame

It releases shame and tension so you can finally break free of negative conditioning to embrace what you deserve.

“I can feel pleasure in my body so much more easily then before. And the fun part is that there is so much more to explore!”

- Sophie

“I feel like I have developed a completely new relationship with myself, my body and my sensuality.”

- Deepa

What causes painful sex?

If you want to transform shame and negative conditioning into freedom, connection, and joy, and move from struggle and shut down to thriving, download your FREE pleasure breathwork practice, and get started today.

Hi, I’m Lorraine.

For over a decade now, I have been teaching my Healing Female Pain Program and coaching women to help them relieve all types of chronic pain and anxiety, and reclaim pleasure and joy in their body and life, and I couldn’t love my work more!

There is just nothing better than helping a woman reclaim her connection with her body and emotions, and as a result not only relieve pain but find so much more joy in her life! In the end, trusting my instincts and following my heart all those years ago, has led me to help other women do the same.