Let Go of Shame, Fear, & Unsatisfying Sex and Reawaken to Pleasure…

You are invited to a FREE Class with Lorraine Faehndrich, Women’s Health and Pelvic Pain Relief Coach

3 Secrets to Embracing Your Sensual, Confident Self

Even if you’re in pain, even if you haven’t enjoyed intimacy in years (or ever!). Even if you’re tired, anxious, or going through menopause.

Despite What You Might Think…
Pleasure Isn’t Selfish or Frivolous.

It’s the Fastest Path to Relieving Stress, Discomfort, and Anxiety. It’s the Antidote to Pain. It’s the Best Way to Achieve Optimal Health and Wellbeing.

This call is for you if you…


feel worried, anxious or overwhelmed around sex or intimacy.


let your pain stop you from pursuing passion.


have experienced pain, chronic infections, or other negative experiences around your sexuality.


want to experience more pleasure.


think you need to feel better BEFORE having sex so don’t prioritize sensuality, pleasure and orgasm now.


desire a deeper connection with your partner.


want to experience a deeper connection with yourself.

Here’s what we’ll cover:


The #1 thing you need to relieve stress, discomfort, and anxiety and reawaken to pleasure.


How to introduce pleasure into your life in simple ways, and why that is so important for you and your body.


My favorite practice for releasing shame and connecting with your sensual self in a safe, easy, and nourishing way.


How to trust yourself and your body again (or for the first time ever).

What women are saying….

“I can feel pleasure in my body so much more easily than before.”

“…the connection and exploration of my sexuality brought me to want to deepen other aspects of myself and my life.”

“I loved learning concrete tools I can use and having a safe place to talk about this.”

Sensual pleasure is THE key to boosting your energy, reigniting your spark, easing your pain, and coming ALIVE again.

Embrace Your Sensual

Confident Self

Join me for this FREE Live Class: 

September 26th at 1 pm ET (10 am PT, 11 am MT, 12 pm CT)

Enter your name and email to register:

Can’t attend live? Register anyway and we’ll send you the replay!

You deserve the life, health and relationship-enhancing benefits of YOUR pleasure.

Hi, I’m Lorraine Faehndrich, Women’s Health and Pain Relief Coach and the creator of the mind body programs Healing Female Pain and Reclaim Your Sexual Self.

In addition to reclaiming a healthy positive relationship with my own body in my 40s, including healing persistent yeast infections, pain during sex, vulvodynia, shame and trauma; over the past 13+ years I have helped thousands of women all over the world relieve pelvic pain, anxiety, shame, pain and discomfort during sex…and go on to rediscover pleasure, reclaim their sensual essence and feel at home and alive inside their own body again (or for the first time). 

…I believe that all of this is possible for you too, and I would love to help!

Women just like you are using this process to:


Let go of fear, anxiety and numbness around intimacy, intercourse or self-pleasure


Heal from chronic or recurring pelvic health issues (pain during sex, vulvodynia, yeast infections, UTIs, etc.)


Enjoy sex again or for the first time


Reignite desire and passion


Heal from sexual trauma, shame, negative experiences or negative conditioning around their sexuality


Gain clarity around how to experience more pleasure and fuller orgasms.

“The tools were insightful and all the exercises were gentle and helped me transform my view of my relationship with my sexuality and become more comfortable with it in a way I haven’t been before.”